Examination details
WISC-Ⅴ Intelligence Test

This is an intelligence test for children aged 5 years, 0 months to 16 years, 11 months.
By completing a variety of tasks (such as those that ask about the meaning of words, tasks that use building blocks or pictures, and questions that ask simple memory skills), you will be able to complete tests that show general intellectual ability, as well as those that test specific cognitive areas. We calculate four indicators of intellectual function (language comprehension, perceptual reasoning, processing speed, and working memory) to gain a multifaceted understanding of children's intelligence. From there, you can find out what the child is good at and what they are weak at, and get clues about how to provide better support for the child.
What is WISC-Ⅴ?
Time required: Approximately 120 minutes
Amount: Approximately 16,500 to 44,000 yen (tax included)
Including inspection fee and report preparation fee
-Due to the wide variety of test items, some children may not be able to concentrate until the end. In that case, the inspection may be temporarily suspended and the remaining items may be carried out at a later date.
・It will take approximately two weeks to create the report.
WAIS intelligence test

This is an intelligence test for ages 16 years 0 months to 90 years 11 months.

・Patients visiting for the first time must be examined by a doctor. First, please make an appointment to see the doctor.
・Even if you request a test, we may decline your request at the doctor's discretion.
・The event will only be held on Friday and Saturday.
・Online reservations are not accepted. After your first consultation, we will guide you at the reception desk.